Thursday, April 21, 2011

Potty Break results in Colorado Elementary School Evacuation

 A man in Littleton, Co ran into an elementary school to use the potty which surprised some people and ended up with the evacuation of the school. The rest of the schools in the county also went on lock down until the situation was sorted out.

  There were reports that he had left a backpack and that he had rushed past school officials. Police later said that was not the case and that the man had checked out ok and had committed no crime. But it's obvious that he used poor judgment.

Wow, That will be a story he can tell the grandkids about. Could you imagine? I mean we've all cleared out a room or area of the house but come on an entire school? How bad would you have to go in order to run into a school? I wonder if he has a wife? Could you imagine telling your wife? "How was your day honey?" "Wellllllllllllllll I went to the store picked up a few things, washed the car,mowed the yard, pooped at the school and talked to the police. How was your day?"

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