Monday, April 4, 2011

9/11 Terrorist Conspirators

 I saw on CNN tonight that the Justice Dept. of the United States, the same one that ummmm feels we're safer with dumber cops on the streets, has finally released the accused 9/11 conspirators to the military for trial. Did it really take them this long to figure this out? It doesn't really matter where they are tried, I'm sure the end result is going to be "kill them". At least I would hope so. So they spent this much time trying to figure out which branch of government gets to kill them? Personally I think we should let them do what they trained for. I have a plan. I always have a plan. Usually not a good one, but a plan none the less. I'm sure we've got an old plane somewhere that we're getting ready to retire. Put them on it, put it on auto pilot, and point them towards Tripoli. Come on, these guys wanted to do this. They'll have a good time doing it and we'll have a good time watching.

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